Luminex® 液相抗体芯片

ELISA 实验能够很好的对蛋白进行精确定量且操作简单,然而需要同时检测多个样本的多个因子时,ELISA 需要多次重复相同的步骤,不能很快的得到实验结果。Lumimex 液相芯片,以 ELISA 三明治夹心原理,利用微球和基于流式细胞仪原理的 Lumimex 仪器相结合的技术,采用 ELISA 板的形式实现多样本验证,在单孔中同时检测多个蛋白指标,进行精确定量。

Luminex 液相抗体芯片技术采用不同颜色编码的微球,包被相应的特异性抗体,在一个孔可同时检测多达 100 种分析物,利用 96 孔板作为反应板,实现高通量的蛋白精确定量。R&D Systems 公司有 15 年 Luminex 试剂盒的研发历史,具有丰富的免疫检测经验,采用与 ELISA 试剂盒质量一致的抗体对和缓冲液体系优化,在「金标准 ELISA」的基础上,提供最高标准和最优性能的 Luminex 多重检测试剂,对多个生物标志物进行定量和筛选。


灵活:根据客户需求,可同时检测多达 100 种指标物
R&D Systems 公司独有
实验操作简单:整个实验流程在 3~3.5 小时内完成
同时检测多个指标所需的样本量极少(<50 μL




乳腺癌细胞系分泌因子表达谱。MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, SK-BR-3, T47D 和 ZR-75-1 乳腺癌细胞系培养后收集细胞上清,利用 99 因子的 Luminex Assay 进行检测。其中,68 个因子浓度较低检测不到。表中 31 因子数值单位为 pg/mL。标准曲线按照 1:3 梯度稀释,范围从 1:1-1:243。


在充血性心力衰竭疾病患者体内,进一步优化生物标志物组合,检测其中 6 种指标。选取充血性心力衰竭病人 10 个,健康人 20 个,利用 Luminex High Performance Human Cardiac Panel A (货号 LUCA000) 检测 TNF RII/TNFRSF1B、ST2/IL-1 R4、CD40 Ligand、FailureProprotein Convertase 9/PCSK9、GDF-15 和 PAPP-A,其中 PAPP-A 在所有样本中浓度低于最低检测限。



1.Anaïs Levescot, Stéphane Flamant, et al. BCR-ABL–Induced Deregulation of the IL-33/ST2 Pathway in CD34(+) Progenitors from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients.Cancer research. 2014 May 15; 74: 2669.

2.Myers, N., Chantratita, N., et al. The role of NOD2 in murine and human melioidosis. J Immunol. 2014 Jan 1; 192(1): 300-7.

3.Dubsky, M., Jirkovska, A., et al. Role of serum levels of angiogenic cytokines in assessment of angiogenesis after stem cell therapy of diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia. Cell Transplant. 2014; 23(12): 1517-23.

4.Garg, , Abhishek., Dudek, Aleksand., et al. ROS-induced autophagy in cancer cells assists in evasion from determinants of immunogenic cell death. Autophagy. 2013 Sep; 9(9): 1292-307.

5.David M., Charytan, Robert Padera, et al. Increased concentration of circulating angiogenesis and nitric oxide inhibitors induces endothelial to mesenchymal transition and myocardial fibrosis in patients with chronic kidney disease. J Immunol. 2014 Sep; 176(1): 99-109.

6.Richard Fuerstenberg, Shaya Anderson, et al. Multiplex analysis of secreted biomarkers from stimulated natural killer cells (INC6P.337). J Immunol. 2014 Sep; 176(1):99-109. 2014 May 1; 192(1): Supplement 121.4.

7.Yurkovetsky Z., Skates S., et al. Development of a multimarker assay for early detection of ovarian cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 2010; 28(13): 2159-66.

8.Nolen B., Breen E., et al. Circulating mediators of inflammation and immune activation in AIDS-related non-hodgkin lymphoma. PLoS ONE. 2014; 9(6): e99144.

9.Grote VA., Kaaks R., et al. Inflammation marker and risk of pancreatic cancer: a nested case-control study within the EPIC cohort. Br. J. Cancer. 2012; 106(11): 1866-74.

10.Chantratita N, Tandhavanant S., et al. Survey of innate immune responses to Burkholderia pseudomallei in human blood identifies a central role for lipopolysaccharide. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(11): e81617.

11.Madsen C, Steffensen K., et al. Serial measurements of serum PDGF-AA, PDGF-BB, FGF2, and VEGF in multiresistant ovarian cancer patients treated with bevacizumab.JOvarian Res. 2012; 5(1): 23.

12.Chantrathammachart, P. Mackman, N., et al. Tissue factor promotes activation of coagulation and inflammation in a mouse model of sickle cell disease. Blood. 2012 Jul 19;120(3): 636-46.

13.Vuillermot, S. Joodmardi, E., et al. Prenatal immune activation interacts with genetic Nurr1 deficiency in the development of attentional impairments. J Neurosci. 2012 Jan 11;32(2): 436-51






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